⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “OUTSTANDING”
We’re celebrating the life of the legend that was Tina Turner – so come shake a tail feather with the UK’s supreme Tina tribute – Justine Riddoch – and her talented theatre show cast of live musicians, and dancers.
This breathtaking tribute to Tina Turner celebrates the amazing life and work of the Queen of Rock ’n’ Roll!
Early hits, including River Deep – Mountain High and Nutbush City Limits, were just a taste of what was to come. We Don’t Need Another Hero, Simply the Best, What’s Love Got to Do With It, I Don’t Wanna Lose You and When the Heartache is Over propelled Tina to stadium concert stardom.
Supported by her dazzling dancing girls in sequins, feathers and diamonds, Justine recreates and remembers those famed live performances for one night only!
Parties of 8+ – please email hello@thebuttermarket.co.uk for group rates
6pm-7.30pm: 80s & 90s DJ Party (snack food served from 6-8pm)
7.45pm: Concert starts
Followed by a FREE 80s & 90s After Party from 10pm until late!
The Buttermarket
Howard St
Shrewsbury SY1 2LF
Shrewsbury SY1 2LF